Indier Than Thou: Computers Are Crazy!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Computers Are Crazy!

Even if you're not a Nine Inch Nails fan (and I kind of hope that you aren't!) THIS is worth checking out. You can imagine yourself that you are a big-name producer and that The Mayor will shortly pay a visit to your home and your fancy computer to give you a sash and some money.

Something else that's snazzy and computers-and-music-related is Loop Duplicate My Heart - Suburban Kids With Biblical Names[mp3] which I am quite sure you will have already heard but if you've not...there it is. But I warn you, it is littered with crappy handclaps.

Lastly there is a very long but interesting thing to read about music and the internet, if you at all care.


Blogger ____________________ said...

Borges! I love Borges! That one post was well worth the read. I think that some of the monks that run the library throw themselves down the spiraling staircases because of the sheer unlikelihood of finding anything meaningful. (I might be wrong about that-I haven't read it in a while) Is there a more fitting description for the feeling the sheer volume of available music gives us?
Also, file sharing, and stealing things in general, is awesome, no? We all agree on this, yes?

11:00 AM  
Blogger Clara said...

here is the story...

i have weird mixed feelings about file sharing/stealing but they're very boring.

5:32 PM  
Blogger ____________________ said...

Your feelings or sharing and stealing?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:49 PM  
Blogger Panda said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Panda said...

nyone who invokes Borges is cool in my books.
As for file-sharing, it's pretty much amazing. It transforms the market from a 'winner-take-all market' to a more egalitarian market, which, in turn is more reflective of the talents of the individuals concerned.
Longer version:

9:36 PM  

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