
Here are some links because...well, I don't really know why, but I thought that since I found them pretty rad, you might, too!
First of all, there is THIS.
Not only is the video hilarious (Where did he get that suit fitted?! Why is he moving his hands like that...invisible gloves? What's the deal!), the one English comment pretty much makes my life.
Then, THIS. Which apparently, is old news, but it shocked/amused me! The two alternate sides to the story can be found here and here, and on a site referenced by the first article, that I lost the link to.
If you don't already know and don't feel like dealing with a whole lotta reading, basically, Owen Pallett/Final Fantasy's "This Lamb Sells Condos" is actually just vicious slander against this "Brad J. Lamb" character who does, in fact, sell condos. It appears that Brad Lamb is a bit of a dick --
"You know, the thing about music and me -- and this is kind of me in general -- I like stuff and I don't like stuff. I like people and I don't like people. It's not the kind of music I like. But apparently, it's a good song, apparently it's a song people like and I think it's won some awards, it's just not my kind of music and it doesn't appeal to me, regardless of the words." (Oh, sure, Brad...SURE.)
--but, Owen Pallett is a cutie! A truth exposed by both his photograph (durr) and this quote:
"I am a very fortunate person to have been blessed with wildly vivid emotions. I feel ecstasy and despair daily, usually more than once. Yesterday I played violin all day and cried myself to sleep with the joy at my good fortune. So, yes, I think there's a romanticism in my lyrics. I get teary-eyed over a good cup of coffee."
I mean, how can you not fall in love with that? Is it even possible?
Then, totally my favourite movie ever ever ever, by my new favourite guy-who-makes-movies, can be found here (La Jetee). The above photograph, apart from being meant to mock Kit a tiny bit, is from Sans Soleil, another movie made by the same guy (Chris Marker) some years after that other one. This is actually relevant to the whole "music" thing, I promise! Basically Sans Soleil is kind of, but not quite, a mockumentary, made by a made up guy called "Sandor Krasna", whose brother, "Michael Krasna" (also made up) does the making of the music! It's all very late eighties/early nineties kind of stuff that sounds all cheapy and tape-recorder-y, to match the messed-up-VCR effects on the actual vidoe stuff but it's totally the most awesome thing ever in the context of the movie!
In other news, happy birthday to my mother, who is ABSOLUTELY THE COOLEST PERSON EVER.
And just for good measure here is another thing I quite enjoyed. (thank you, hannah)
Sometimes, I just like to drink and fight, ok?
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