
"It's a great way to get connected, keep in touch with old friends, make some new ones...BE BETRAYED BY ONE."
So a kid at school wrote this lengthy, whiny monologue about the emotional hazards associated with MySpace's illustrious "Top Friendzzzz" category, right, and then Time Magazine goes on for a million years about who and what has catapulted it/his/her/them/other -selves/-self into artistic greatness via this weird-ass website network...thing, so I figured it was time to hit up this dark and dreary and LAME (well, if you're like me, and start off not knowing where the hell to look) corner of the internet for myself. Admittedly I didn't get very far, but I'm learning.
I now present!
Ilona Mitrecey
I recommend you listen to: Un Monde Parfait
She's this twelve year old Parisian pop-star prodigy with videos of dancing marshmallows and such. I don't care that she doesn't write her own songs, or that she does a ton of commercials (eeeaagrr..), or that her voice is very doctored, or even that her videos look like Japanime or something awful like that. The "comments" section of the thing is dominated by NAZIS! What's not to like? "Danke schon, Ilona!" (that might be a curse! i don't know!) Oh, and that song up there? There used to be a better version of it up, with more awesome accordion action. This one is more techno and less French-outdoors-cafe-but-on-acid. Oh, well. A better video can be found here: !
DJ Hunnicutt,His Winnipegian Friends (not just those ones, there are many more on his "list", including Moses Mayes, that stuff's really good)
I reccommend you listen to: Memories
This is actually a poor replacement for Casper, because I lost the link to his thing (but if you can find it: he's a young Londoner and a very good freestyler, and I know he has a myspace SOMEWHERE...). Anyway, Hunnicutt's been around for a long time but no one seems to care, probably because he's just a tadge less "original" and "innovative" than he thinks he is (though, still pretty good) and thus hardly anything special, and also, maybe because he's had his fifteen minutes or whatever, maybe even some time before I was born. Though I do doubt that. Oh, he's got an OK record label, Peanuts and Corn, if you're at all interested. And there's a tutorial on crab-eating somewhere on the page, again, if you're interested. Two fun facts! One, he knows a lot about M*A*S*H, two, peanuts and corn are not only two of the slowes-digesting foods, they're also two of the top carriers of the CANCER-CAUSING "aflatoxins" also found in many animal products and genetically altered fruits and vegetables! Carcinogens everywhere you turn - learn about it, replace old insulation, don't inhale cleaning fluids, and fight cancer!!!
The Arsoncityscape
I recommend you listen to: We Will Go Down In History
Oh, brother - literally. There is nothing wrong with shamelessly promoting family members, especially if they're not bad, for a bunch of just-outta-highschool-ers. They've been doing this "glam rockpop" or "softcore emopop" (credit Isaac Sherry, 2007) since they were like eleven, and I guess the hard work (and breaking strings off my guitar, which I later had to pay for myself, which was totally not fair, until I got his bike stolen and now we're pretty much even, but not quite seeing as the bike was mad expensive, anyhow) pays off, or something. They've grown a lot in the past half-decade, from Grand Theft Gumball (the Simple Plan pastiche group) through to who they are now, and I got to watch them do it! But enough family sappiness. If you ignore the howling girls in my grade who respect them more than I do, and see nothing wrong with discussing their Madrenas Family Fantasies with me, they're great live, too. Unfortunately their very good looking bassist left recently, and they only just recently recorded some new stuff that's not finished yet, so I'm posting this right before they'll undergo changes, etc, or hit puberty or whatever. So if you don't like them now maybe you'll like them later?
Chris Bush
I recommend you listen to: The Ducks, VERY LOUDLY!
It's not even Chris Bush that I'm wild about, it's that one song. Pity it's not the full version there: the beginning of it, this lovely quietly swirling breathy-sounding-keyboard version of the main piano theme, that swells into the piano you hear here (hear here, hah), has been cut. It's still gorgeous, though! Words can't really describe this, especially if you don't know the Angles in America story, but try and picture: Prior and spectral Louis dancing by Prior's hospital bed, until the melody sort of...peaks, at which point, Louis drifts away to the park bench upstage, in Central Park, where he really is (in actuality he abandoned the sick Prior weeks ago). Prior dances with the air until suddenly, music changes, lights as well, he falls, coughing, into a red spotlight, sobbing and wheezing and twitching and sick until, finally, the music dies down and he collapses completely. The lights are back to normal, he's not dreaming anymore, just lying there, motionless............oh Christ it was such a good scene.
Roar & the Wolf
I recommend you listen to: Ghotel + Right Angles
Loverly electronica! Music avec le texture! This stuff is very Postal Service, and very awesome. I'm sort of typed-out, though (my arm's sore from giving blood - DO IT, easiest life i ever saved!), so I'm not going to go on for too long here. Just yeah, Ghotel is one of those wonderful modern-young-love-feeling songs like Such Great Heights (but not as sickeningly hear-it-everywhere-you-turn) that always puts a smile on my face. Am I making any sense, at all?
Also, is a friend of mine I've never actually gotten around to listening to, so if you want, you can do that.
Lastly, before I faint, Seth Cohen has a myspace. What does this mean? Can I contact him? MARRY HIM? ...please?
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Seth Cohen's narrative arch has reached a sad end, but it is nice that you wove you bwothew bewwy bewwy bewwy much! AWWWW!
Also, what happened to that shows video?
I mean shoes... shoes!
shoes? omigod, shoes.
you shouldn't be complaining about myspace, you actually HAVE one! and oh, here's the link for Sam's Ghotel+Right Angles video.
and that angels scene was definitely the best in the whole show. for serious.
hey thanks for that! also it's on youtube, good video.
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