Vincat - i like their older stuff better

This is the inaugural posting for Indier Than Thou, so I wanted to choose something you probably haven't heard... yet. And that's a shame, not only because this album has a truly awesome name--it not only presupposes a long and storied future for themselves, but one that will be worse. So get onboard now.
Vincat come from Victoria, BC, and describe their sound as an old cherished friendship. I saw them play a short show in London, and immediately fell in love. While their album isn't nearly as good as they are live, it's still lots of fun. I could try and describe their sound, but it's much better if you hear it for yourself here. Intial comparisons to the Hidden Cameras don't do tribute to their lovely horn lines, and I can't say enough good things about their horn lines. Yet it's really the rocking chorus that do it for me with any band, and Vincat delivers. "Into the lightning" satisfys with bar after bar of fulfilling power chords, while "Somebody Stole my apple sauce" has a refrain that you find yourself humming when you most want not to, and will make your Dad phone David Cooper's parents demanding an explanation just as he did twenty years ago, and it was really just embarrassing; I mean, did he really not see that this would be viewed not just as an invitation to steal more fruit-flavoured treats, but also a gang beating? Dad! C'mon! It's a battlefield out there. Why must you cost me some much pain and treats?
Erm... Moving on... "Dying in Frisco" and "Aberdeen" are fine if you like The Whitlams, but never admit this to anyone but an Australian. "Uh Oh" draws the Hidden Cameras comparison, but is far more interesting. But for me, the whimsical "Pirate Love" ends the album perfectly, with enough echo in the vocals to make the Grand Canyon jealous. Mock power ballads never sounded so good.
Ok, so instead of rambling on about the virtues of the record, for which the English language may be insufficient, I will list the top five reasons you should check them out:
- The linernotes credit not only a combined chinese/fish and chips place (a brilliant invention in and of itself), but also pharell and the whole N.E.R.D. crew, an all-too-rare tribute.
- As you can tell from above, the album art showcases not only a freakin' T-Rex, but a T-Rex on a surfboard, a pink elephant on a banana (Just try to not think of it! You can't!) and a Narwhal!
- Tubas, French Horns, need i say more? Only Beyonce loves horns this much.
- SUPER TEEN ANTHEMS. If you are like me, and most people aren't, you would die for some more TEEN anthems à la T-Rex, am I right?
- There following has a moniker: Vinkittens!
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